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API Reference

Add a post in your code

Add a POST request to the EveryLog API in your code and you'll be all set!

Your app will receive its first notification.

The minimum set of required params is:

  • projectId
  • title
  • summary
  • body All others params are not mandatory

Minimum sample code for post

javascript example
import axios from 'axios';

const headers = { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${API_KEY}` }
const data = {
projectId: "project-name",
title: "New subscription",
summary: "A new user has subscribed to base plan",
body: " just subscribed to plan XYZ",
push: true
{Authorization: "Bearer #{api_key}",
content_type: :json})

Full list of available params

projectIdId of the Channel in which you want to post the notification.
titleTitle of the notification.
summarySummary of the notification.
bodyContent of the notification. Can be simple text or html. Take a look at Allowed HTML Tags to know which tags you can use.
pushSet it to true if you want to send notification, false if you only want to log the event.
iconYou can specify an emoji to be used in your notification instead of the EveryLog logo.
linkAdd an external link to your notification.
tagsArray of tags (comma-separated strings).
propertiesArray of properties: [{ key1: 'val1' }, { key2: 'val2' }]
groupsArray of group-code. You can specify if your notification should be received and be available only for users inside a group.
usersArray of user-id or emails. You can specify if your notification should be received and be available only for specific users.
rolesArray of roles. You can specify if your notification should be received and be available only for users with a specific role.