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In this section, you can manage your workspace users in a comprehensive and customised manner. Here is what you can do here, depending on your role:

1. View and filter users:

  • Overview: you can view the complete list of all users in your workspace.
  • Filter by role: you can filter users by their role, i.e. owner, admin, co-worker or external. This helps you to easily identify who does what in your team.

2. Manage users (owner and admin only):

  • Activate/deactivate a user: owners and admins can activate or deactivate users. By deactivating a user, you immediately limit his access to the workspace functionality.
  • Change role: change a user's role according to his responsibilities. You can promote users to roles of greater responsibility or demote them if necessary.
  • Add/remove from projects: add users to the various projects (channels) or remove them if they are no longer involved. This ensures that each user only has access to information relevant to their work.
  • Invite a new user: you can invite new users by entering their email address and assign them a specific role, such as admin, contributor or external. This defines the user's permissions in the workspace.

Important note: User editing actions should be done carefully to ensure that each user has the appropriate permissions and to maintain the security of your workspace.

You are now ready to manage users efficiently on EveryLog! Remember that the key to effective collaboration is the appropriate assignment of roles and authorisations.

Thank you for being part of the EveryLog community!